
Welcome to Food Spotlight! As you can tell, I’ve spun off my popular Food Spotlight posts into a blog of their own. Hopefully, I’ll be introducing and reviewing a wide variety of food in the near future.

I had the good fortune to try out Katana-Ya in San Francisco several weeks ago with Jared. This restaurant had consistently good reviews on Yelp, and was also on the Big Eat 2011 SF – 100 Things to Try Before You Die. Of course we had to do it.

I ordered the Katana-Ya Ramen, which definitely lived up to the hype. The meal included fried chicken, gyoza, corn, eggs, meat, and of course ramen. But the one component that definitely stood out was the broth. It was delicious. Rich, savory, and addictive, I had to stop myself from drinking every last drop.

Definitely worth the money, and the location was pretty close to the Westfield Shopping Center on Powell. I’d try to get there early for dinner, as a crowd can build up during peak hours.

All in all, a satisfying dinner.

More posts to come at www.thefoodspotlight.com.

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